Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Selfish rant... :-s

Okay, first off I have to say I know what I am going to post may sound a bit selfish...but I can't help how upset I feel and it really really really upsets me. Thinking about it as well, I don't really express a lot of my selfish stuff so this is one of the few exceptions...if anything just to rant so i feel better....

Okay so here we go...

I just graduated from post secondary school and a few months ago. Some people in my class offered to be the "graduating comittee" last semester but we never heard anything about a graduation party and I heard that the graduation comittee kinda disbanded. So i figured that there was going to be no grad party...Nope I was wrong...literally on the SECOND TO LAST DAY OF CLASSES it was decided that there was going to be a party in June. THE SECOND TO LAST DAY!!!! unfortuantely I had already booked my vacation and will not be here on that day. This really upset me...for several reasons...
1) Who plans a big grad event second to last day we are all going to see each other!!!!!!!! Seriously the date should have at least been thought of a long time ago...and if the so-called "grad committe" did not have time to plan it, than they should have said somthing a long time ago and asked for somone else to take over...that's called responsibility and leadership!!!
2) I worked my butt off during these last four years....countless hours of crying, lack of sleep, suicide thoughts and lack of social life....I think i freakin deserve to celebrate and actually feel good about myself and recognize that I actually did somthing worthwhile. Graduating from nursing school is a BIG DEAL....
3) IT"S A FORMAL PARTY!!!!!! so anyone who knows me, knows i love to dress up and pretty formal dresses....Unfortuantely the only time i can think of that I would be able to dress up is at my wedding and graduation...It's somthing i've been dreaming about for four years...showing up in a nice beautiful prom dress....buying a nice prom i'm down to one time i'll be able to feel special and my Wedding...not that i'm not looking forward to that....but it depresses me that it's the only time i can think of that i'll get to wear beautiful dresses and feel like a princess. Now the graduation party wasn't even going to be a formal thing...some people didn't want it to be..but majority ruled it to be a formal....if it wasn't a formal thing i wouldn't be so upset...
4) I want to celebrate my graduation! is that seriously a bad request? I feel like i'm missing out on apart of my celebration....which i put a lot and i mean a lot of hard work and sweat (please see above regarding the torturous four years).

Now i know what you're thinking....You're going on a vacation! how can you possibly be upset...and that is the selfish part....if i had known our graduation would have been on that date i wouldn't have put my vacation on that time. I also think that the so-called "grad comittee" really dropped the ball on the grad party...our class didn't even fundraise!!! That's what really gets me the lack of organziation from the comitte....some leaders.....most nursing classes start fundrasing and planning in third year!!!!!!! or so i am told.....

So there is my selfish rant...very upset at the "grad comitte"...upset i don't get to buy a nice prom dress...and upset that i'll be missing out on a party that i can only have once.....even if i am going to on a's still very dissapointing...and i am quite aware i'm sound selfish but i can't help how i feel.....

1 comment:

bloggeranonymous said...

Aww deanna!
Is it possible to postpone the flight/vacation so you can attend the grad?
Maybe for your Birthday you can have a super formal party and you can go out and get yourself a dress and EVERYONE can dress up!!!!!! You saw us at the wedding last night!