Friday, May 1, 2009

Nursing Update

Hi everyone,
First off, i'm sorry for the very very delayed posting. I have been very busy both with school and life. Anyways here is a nursing update....
I am done school and therefore have my Bachelor Of Science in Nursing degree. I cross the stage on June 4th and write the CRNE on June 3rd. I am very nervous about this exam because if I do not pass than my entire four years was a waste of time and money. I am comforted in knowing that God knows what he has planned for me and it is good. Doesn't mean i don't have to study though :-( not a fun of studying things.
I am now working as a nurse at two hospitals. Before we are allowed to work on the floor we have to attend workshop #1....where we learned that in nursing study has shown that we go trhough "transition shock" were it will take approx. a year to feel confident. In around month 3-8 we are expected to feel doubt, uncertainty and question our career choice. You can imagine how scary this was to hear. Either way I am willing and eager to learn and grow as a nurse and help promote health and health awareness....GO NURSES GO!! woot!

p.s- Go Canucks Go!

1 comment:

Jill said...

CONGRATS on your B.Sc in Nursing degree!! What an accomplishment! :) Feels good to be done, eh??